The Next Dimension

How one man’s love of anatomy and sculpture launched a new way of thinking - and a new way of seeing things

November 18, 2019
Amy Cosper

We first met Sandis Kondrats in 2017 at CBC Global Finals. He was the finalist representing the tiny country of Latvia. His company, at that time, was called Anatomy Next, a company he founded with his brother, Janis. Together, the brothers transitioned their strategy with a sharper focus on clinical applications. The company is now called Exonicus, which focuses on 3-dimensional anatomy. Its customers are largely in the emergency and trauma units with the largest contract awarded from the U.S. Department of Defense. It’s big, no B.S. stuff.

The idea started with Sandis’ interest in anatomy and storytelling and Janis’ unique software development skills. Let’s back up for a second. Sandis explains the strategy and partnership this way: “Janis is the IT prodigy and mathematical part of the Kondrats team. I’m the creative part – the sculptor, storyteller and networker.”

This partnership gives Exonicus unique insight into anatomy and the necessity of viewing anatomy in 3D – for artists and for medical procedures.

The Kondrats were born in Talsi, Latvia and that’s where Exonicus is based.. Like most entrepreneurs, Sandis sees things other people do not.

“My biggest challenge is lack of experience — and Latvian shyness,” he says, somewhat shyly.

Exonicus aims to dominate the world in the virtual reality emergency simulator business and it’s off to a very solid start.

Sandis’ focus on problem solving from the eyes of an artist is an interesting perspective for startups. “Never give up in difficult times. Difficult times strengthen character. Challenges are needed for growth. At first no one believes in your idea and, frankly, everyone thinks you’re crazy, but that doesn’t matter. Never give up.”

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