Join Creative Powers for Europe

Special (free) invitation for Creative Business Cup participants to the idea convention Creative Powers for Europe, Sweden, 22nd of November!

November 3, 2016
CBN Team

Ask not what the CCIs can do for you, but what you can do for the CCIs.

Creative Powers for Europe is a day-long ideas convention for top level policy makers, intermediaries and professionals within the cultural and creative industries (CCIs). The day will offer dynamic discussions on how to move the CCIs in Europe forward, and how to discover new ways of supporting our cultural and creative industries in contributing to the social, economic and environmental values, which are more in need of now than ever. The idea convention is organized by the Swedish Arts Council, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, and Region Skåne.

Creative Powers for Europe are saving 40 tickets, free of charge, for Creative Business Cup participants.

21st of November: Buss departs at 6.30 p.m, at the Creative Business Cup venue CBS Porcelænshaven 20, 2000 Frederiksberg to Media Evolution City, Malmö, Pre-party with buffé and drinks. Starts at 7 p.m (more info and registration on the website)
22nd of November the Creative Powers for Europe convent at Clarion Hotel, Malmö Live
Return to Copenhagen: Buss to CPH Airport departs at 5.30 p.m from Clarion Hotel, Malmö Live

Hotels in Malmö 21-22 of November:
You have discount on hotels, all info and bookingcode is on the website for Creative Powers for Europe.

The event is free of charge, but we do apply a no-show fee.

We are looking forward to see you at Creative Powers for Europe on the 22nd of November! A creative day in the heart of Malmö, Sweden. Note: You need to register to the day convent 22nd of November and to the at the 21st of November.


Program & registration


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