Creative Industries Policy Seminar


October 29, 2019
CBN Team

Creative Industries Policy Seminar is set to kick off this 19 November 2019 and will take place in the serene land of Copenhagen. The seminar is hosted by Creative Business Network and the Interreg Europe, RCIA – Regional Creative Industries Alliance and concludes more than 3 years of experience in policy development in the cultural industries – and we encourage you to participate in this exclusive opportunity!

Regional Creative Industries Alliance is a partnership striving to shape better regional policies towards a modern business ecosystem. RCIA aims at improving the Structural Funds policy instruments related to the SMEs’ competitiveness.

The seminar will provide European recommendations to better regional Cultural and Creative Industries policies for a more competitive economy. Thus, if you are looking for inspiration on how to grow and support the creative industries in your region, this is the perfect opportunity as it will provide you valuable insights on how to shape the future of your city or region!

Formally, the seminar will start with an official welcome by Cecilia Lonning-Skovgaard, Mayor of Employment and Integration, City of Copenhagen, followed by presentations of 8 successful cases where policy development in the cultural and creative industries has had a significant impact:

Panel 1: “Creative Industries – The Danish Perspective”

  • Cecilia Lonning-Skovgaard, City of Copenhagen
  • Carl Christian Ebbesen, City of Copenhagen
  • Jens Nymand Christensen, Creative Business Network
  • Jesper Moseholm, Anne Black
  • Thomas Trøster Højfeldt, KL – Local Government Denmark

Panel 2: “Developing a Creative Industries Strategy”

  • Christina Koch, Austria Wirtschaftsservice
  • Renate Ranzi, IDM Südtirol
  • Mariusz Sagan, City of Lublin
  • Ioana Dragis, North-West Regional Development Agency

Panel 3: “Creative Hubs & Clusters”

  • Larissa Grommersch, Public Service of Wallonia
  • Ioana Pavel, North-West Regional Development Agency
  • Roula Kechri, Region of Central Greece
  • Rosa Gibert Pibernat, Culture Institute of Barcelona

Panel 4: “Creative Catalyst and Access to Finance”

  • Christina Koch, Austria Wirtschaftsservice
  • Andreea Bercan, Cluj Cultural Centre
  • Anda Lagzdina, JSC ”Development Finance Institution Altum”
  • Edgar Garcia, Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies (ICEC)
  • Peter Bo, The Danish Growth Foundation (Vækstfonden)

Panel 5: “Film Fund Policies and Tax Incentives”

  • Julia Schmölz, Austria Wirtschaftsservice
  • Renate Ranzi, IDM Südtirol
  • Diana Ciszewska – Tolak, City of Lublin
  • Florin Morosanu, Cluj-Napoca Culture House
  • Stathis Kalogeropoulos, Film Office – Central Greece

Panel 6: “Audience Development Policies in Live Art”

  • Silvia Duran, Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies (ICEC)
  • Edgar Garcia, Catalan Institute for Cultural Companies (ICEC)
  • Gitte Wille, Region of Skåne
  • Kristian Riis, Nordic LA
  • Jens Nymand Christensen, Creative Business Network

Want to learn more about why and how to influence policymakers and unlock the potential of the creative industries? Join us this 19 November! Admission is free! Get your ticket here:


You can read more about Creative Business Network here: and Interreg Europe, RCIA here:

Creative Business Network
Interreg Europe
RCIA policy

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