Aberdeen supports Creative Business Cup

Aberdeen Asset Management supports creative business ideas through its sponsorship of the Creative Business Cup

November 9, 2015
CBN Team

When the Creative Business Cup is launched on 17-18 November in Copenhagen, it will have Aberdeen Asset Management as its sponsor and Aberdeen’s Head of Brand, Piers Currie, is a member of the judging panel.

As one of Europe’s largest asset managers, Aberdeen Asset Management is interested in new investment opportunities around the world and regard Creative Business Cup as an important platform for the development of new businesses. Aberdeen’s Head of Brand, Piers Currie, is participating in the event as one of the speakers and as a member of the jury that will identify the most creative ideas. For him, this competition plays a very important role.

“Businesses need a strong food-chain of ideas from which to build businesses. As investors, we also need these new inputs and creative individuals, who can provide the basis for the growth of new businesses of the future. Therefore, Aberdeen also regards the Creative Business Cup as a tribute to entrepreneurship and to sustainable business. It is an initiative that we are very keen to support” says Piers Currie.

In addition to selecting the best creative projects, Aberdeen has taken the initiative to focus on female entrepreneurship with a panel discussion, where a number of prominent women in the jury and in the competition will discuss the role of women and their opportunities in business. This panel discussion will be held as part of the conference on Tuesday, 17 November, and will include Eva Riedel, Aberdeen’s Head of Communications & Marketing.

Aberdeen is already deeply involved in the gender equality debate through the initiative Backroom2Boardroom, which was also launched in Denmark. Its focus is on engaging women to help other women to reach top positions and it highlights the benefits and diversification of having more women in senior managerial roles. You can read more here:

For more information please contact:

Eva Riedel, Head of Communications & Marketing: +45 20 94 44 12

Aberdeen Asset Management

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