Ukraine Creative Business Cup 2020

An event of creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation at the city of Rivne.

October 7, 2020
CBN Team

At the beginning of September, startups from the creative industries of Ukraine participated in a pitch competition at the National Creative Business Cup 2020, a platform to network, share ideas and encourage regional development.

The event was part of the House of Europe Festival and supported by the European Union and NGO PROSTIR. The jury was integrated of Marc Wilkins, Kateryna Kravchuk, Christian Diemer.

Due COVID-19 prevention measures, the attendance of the 6 finalists were broadcasted online and through TV Channel Rivne 1. The jury with the presence of a small audience made an Q&A session with each startup and announced the winner at an open-air location of the festival on the city of Rivne.

The first place and the representative of Ukraine at the finals of Creative Business Cup 2021 is: Creative Practice, an online career and educational platform that helps professionals to get relevant creative education online and promotes the employment of its graduates.

The second place was shared between: HAPPY BRAIN, a mobile app that helps train the brain through reading and V-Art, an online platform for exhibiting, selling, and collecting digital art.

creative practice
happy brain
house of europe festival
mobile app
rivne creativity
ukraine creativity
ukraine creative business cup

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