City Transformer


December 17, 2019

City Transformer

Winner of: 3 Prize is a unique car concept that provides a novel solution to one of the biggest challenges of urban driving: parking. With an innovative folding mechanism, its platform has an ability to change its width from that of a conventional passenger car (when in driving mode) to that of a motorcycle (when in parking mode), allowing the driver to leave the car in parking spaces reserved for motorcycles. Combining the best features of both vehicle types, this new personal transportation mode will give the driver safety and the true feeling of driving a car while at the same time offering the convenience of parking a motorcycle. Powered by electric batteries and super light in weight, the two-seater City Transformer is an ideal mode of city transportation.

The product can be directly marketed to end users via the internet. Car fleet owners will benefit from working with City Transformer cars since they take up just 1/4 of a parking space and provide saving on maintenance and energy consumption. Furthermore, seeking for parking spots is a daily frustration problem causing some users to prefer less safe or less convenient solutions for traveling in cities. City Transformer has three target groups – car fleet owner, motorcyclists and small car segment vehicles.

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