Liz Wald

Vice President International Indiegogo United States of America

Liz Wald joined Indiegogo in 2013 to spearhead global expansion and is focusing on bringing Indiegogo’s open, flexible crowdfunding platform to campaign owners and contributors around the world. She works out of the New York office, and travels regularly to both the headquarters in San Francisco, and to locations around the world where Indiegogo is building a presence.

Prior to joining Indiegogo, Liz spent four years at Etsy where she led the strategic development and initial operationalization of Etsy’s international efforts and developed new market opportunities. Her areas of expertise include entrepreneurship, operations management, financial planning, market assessment, team building and business development.

Before Etsy, Liz founded and managed a fair trade import business, Economic Development Imports (EDImports), sourcing goods handmade by women living in marginal socioeconomic conditions throughout Africa. Founding EDImports was a labor of love that grew from a decade of strategic consulting and retail management during which time, with two partners, she built, managed and sold a consulting firm focused on classic strategy disciplines for Internet businesses and traditional companies looking to move into e-commerce.

Liz holds a master’s of business administration (MBA) in marketing and finance from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School (1995), and a BA in sociology from Harvard University (1989). She is a board member of the Business Council for Peace, a nonprofit organization focused on creating employment for women around the world. An avid traveler for both for work and pleasure, Liz has been to more than 60 countries.