The Future of Experience Technology

Meet the winner of the Invio innovation challenge 2020

December 21, 2020
Helene Lassen

In this challenge under Invio, we went to look for new ways to engage with users and participants through technology. We asked entrepreneurs around the world to submit their ideas of how to optimise user experience e.g., at events, in museums, leisure, attractions and retail.  

Among all the submissions, we selected four finalists, which were Xperience PLUS (UK), AR:ticipate (DK), Gamers Coin (DK), and Novalia (UK).

On 15 December, the finalists got the opportunity to pitch in front of a jury of four experts within the field of experience technology. We were very honoured that Morten Viktor, Digital Direktør, Coop Danmark, Jesper Krogh Kristiansen, projektleder & spilkonsulent, Vision Denmark, Jan Ståhlberg, Founder & CEO at SiliconHagen, and Søren Smed, Network Coordinator at Invio, Aalborg University wanted to help us select the winner.  

According to the jury, the level of the four finalists was high. At the same time the experience technology concepts were very different from each other. As a result, it took almost an hour for the jury to come to a decision. However, the jury finally announced that Novalia was the winner of the challenge!

Novalia blends the physical with the digital, creating interactive, touch sensitive print that enables immersive experiences.  

In Novalia’s world, posters can play music, walls tell you stories, floors trigger unfolding soundscapes and pizza boxes enable you to DJ on paper.  

Designed for mass manufacture, Novalia’s patented technology uses printed conductive ink and a microcontroller to either play audio or connect to a smartphone app and can be embedded in almost any printed product.  

The jury was very impressed with Novalia’s concepts and its great versatility. They could see huge potential in applying these interactive prints to numerous sectors and locations.

Congratulations to Novalia. We look forward to working together on future activities and events within the field of Experience Technology.

Experience technology
invio solution

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