Creative Business Network Allies With Economic Daily For A More Creative China


November 7, 2019
CBN Team

On 5 November 2019 dark grey skies hovered over the town of Copenhagen and icy breeze of air hit the city. There was a glow off the pavement after it had rained for the whole day but despite the increased frequency of extreme weather – that did not put a halt to a long awaited meeting to take place.

Rasmus Tscherning (CEO of Creative Business Network) and Helene Lassen (Global Partnership Manager of Creative Business Network) had a meeting with Economic Daily, together with President Zhang Xiaoying at Bella Center in Copenhagen. Economic Daily is China’s most influential economic newspaper, with a daily circulation of nearly a million and it adheres to the news, characteristics, depth and service’’ concept, reports on economic development, and serves social progress.

In the course of the meeting, an agreement had been signed for further and stronger collaboration between Creative Business Network and Economic Daily group. This negotiation embeds the expansion of Creative Business Cup Global Finals’ reach to Chinese cities and regions and invitation of creative Chinese entrepreneurs to explore opportunities and see what Denmark’s creative ecosystem has to offer.

Moreover, the memorandum also embeds catering of advice on policy initiatives for developing creative ecosystems to Chinese cities and regions for Creative Business Advisory. And inaugurate learning programs, including Chinese delegations to the Nordic region’s creative hubs and corporations for Creative Business Academy.

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Creative Business Network

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